1st July 2022

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On 30 June we kicked off the summer series of Mulberry Heritage Walks  discovering  mulberries hidden among the Roman ruins and glorious Livery Hall gardens of the Square Mile.


Mulberry wood featured in the inlaid floor of the now-demolished Coal Exhange  that stood on Lower Thames Street, opposite Billingsgate Market and Custom House. Below the boring 1960s office building on the site now are the remains of a luxurious Roman house, complete with hypocaust (bath house) with figidarium, tepidarium and Caldarium.

 The series of Summer Mulberry Heritage Walks continues throughout July. The next walk goes on the trail of King James I's (now lost) mulberry garden, which reportedly had 10,000 trees in the early 1600s, on a corner of what is now Green Park and a bit of Buckingham Palace. By the time of Charles II the Muberyr Garden had become notoriuous for illicit encounters and, as diarist John Evelyn put it: ""ye only place of refreshment about ye towne for persons of ye best quality to be exceedingly cheated at." 

Black Mulberry trees in St James Park

The mulberry fruit isn't quite ready to pick yet, but might be by the end of July.  So why not come on a walk and discover trees you can forage from in August....

Walks are led by Peter Coles, co-founder and Project Director of Morus Londinium.

Click for more information and booking



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