Photo of Pine Tree Way, Lewisham
LocationPine Tree Way, Lewisham
Variety Nigra
Site classHeritage, Notable
Largest height (m)9
Largest girth (cm)126

On the former site of a school building, marked on an 1894 Ordnance Survey map, on Elmira Street. Other school buildings are marked on the opposite (north west) side of Elmira Sreet , where Pendergast Vale College now stands. Interestingly, on the 1894 map, a street named Shrubbery Road points almost directly at the site of the mulberry. The layout of the streets and even the course of Elmira St have changed since it was redeveloped. as part of the River Mill development, completed in 2007 and which replaced the 1960s Sundermead estate, itself built on a Victorian industrial site. (Read more on the Morus Londinium website here:

Public transport: Lewisham DLR

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