16th November 2023

The Friends of Greenwich Park planted a new Black Mulberry sapling (Morus nigra) on 13th November to replace the 120-year-old mulberry that had to be felled. The Friends gifted the sapling as a tribute to the 70-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II and to the coronation of King Charles III. The stump of the old tree is being preserved in situ nearby.

The new Black mulberry sapling stands next to the stump of the old one near the cricket pitch



The mulberry that was felled was not as old as it looked - perhaps about 120-130 years, according to a rough ring count of the stump.

Greenwich Park has several mature Black Mulberries - in the Flower Garden, by the Bandstand and in the walled Queen's Orchard by the Maze Hill entrance.

Nearby Greenwich University has a dozen White Mulberries around its Dreadnought Building (formerly the hospital infirmary) planted for the Millennium, as well as an older Black Mulberry.

see: https://www.moruslondinium.org/.../deptford-greenwich...

And a new Elizabeth Oak...

On the same afternoon the Friends also planed an Oak sapling near to the decaying trunk of the 700+-year-old so-called Elizabeth Oak (which would have already been old during Elizabeth I's lifetime). The Virgin Queen also used to sit under a mulberry in the grounds of the old Palace.


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